Today was a real clowning around day at the Somenotions office. We had a giggle by taking a section of Clinomania to an internet translation site, translating it into Dutch, and then translating the Dutch back into English. Here's what came out:
Some monkeys will be played by good old-fashioned live action monkeys. Also a bunch of monkeys will be. In fact, this way many will be, that the title "apes" misleading will prove. A more precise but less spicy title Non-Human primacies and angels would be. Anyways, some monkeys with marionettes rather than real monkeys are represented. Really fear boosting marionettes, also. Monsters. Your young young she-goats will have nightmares. They'll gleaming red faces which sneer in dreadful have are drawn and their eyes only one beetje will totter. Only small wobbly beetje. The monkeys valid war of the world II planes fly, and reasons which never in the film will become explained, they both ash and the planes of the ally will fly, although they fight together against the angels. The angels won't have planes. I hope that you could present that from, Einstein. The angels have wings. The monkeys VROOOOOOOOM swoop around the angels in zero of Mitsubishi and material, all originating ACKACKACKACKACKACKACKACKACKACK machine guns at the angels, and the angels are all as between twelve and hundred feet long and have mainly reuze flaming swords and sometimes the plak ape's vleugelrecht gone, and they decrease in this smoking tailspin and sometimes nail the one of the monkeys exactly angel by their harten with a good placed hail of balls exactly by their harten, and angels' only all keep the wings that, to they THUD discharge in the ground omhoog to drag on beating and they descend decreasing with their robes. It sounds corny on document, but there's a large sad scene of the aftermath of a battle, and you hear Laurie Anderson's "Pieces and Parts" (I weet the corny sound, but it! ontzagwekkend) (I'm that intros, duh to have been spoken, not do not play stomme I'm.) and it's that in a sweet manner goes its. Who wins? I assume you'll only must go try my be possible come movie, monkeys and angels!