Seeking a respite from our quotidian life of musing over Jack's work and toiling in the Clinomania vineyard, we recently visited our colleague
Vali. The visit proved a productive one, not merely in Scotch consumed, but in idea generation.
For our discussion raised the question: Is Jack and his "blog" an example of a perfect match of man and medium? One often encounters characters as verbose as Jack in the real world, and they can on occasion prove a bit much to handle - prattling on until the ears are fit to fall off. But the blog form might be perfectly suited to such a fellow, who has penetrating insights buried in a twisting verbal forest thick with undergrowth. The blog, not unlike various chemical and medical instruments, has the controlling ability to deliver its medicine in reasonable, semi-regular doses. Further, when reading his blog, one can control intake, like an old woman pressing the morphine button on her hospital bed.
Anyway, we're pretty into
Jeff Gordon Sucks.