
Some Notions

The premier journal of http://clinomania.blogspot.com criticism.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Thirsty Scholar 

Seeking a respite from our quotidian life of musing over Jack's work and toiling in the Clinomania vineyard, we recently visited our colleague Vali. The visit proved a productive one, not merely in Scotch consumed, but in idea generation.

For our discussion raised the question: Is Jack and his "blog" an example of a perfect match of man and medium? One often encounters characters as verbose as Jack in the real world, and they can on occasion prove a bit much to handle - prattling on until the ears are fit to fall off. But the blog form might be perfectly suited to such a fellow, who has penetrating insights buried in a twisting verbal forest thick with undergrowth. The blog, not unlike various chemical and medical instruments, has the controlling ability to deliver its medicine in reasonable, semi-regular doses. Further, when reading his blog, one can control intake, like an old woman pressing the morphine button on her hospital bed.

Anyway, we're pretty into Jeff Gordon Sucks.

posted by SC  # 1:35 PM
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