
Some Notions

The premier journal of http://clinomania.blogspot.com criticism.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

SC's Enigma 

When the doldrums of academe get to be too much, we occasionally challenge ourselves with brain puzzles. Here's one:

Tom Cruise ------ Nicole Kidman

A????????? ------ C???????????

B????????? ------- D???????????
\ /
\ /
\ /
Liam Neeson

Here's the challenge: standard movie game rules, and you can only use a given movie once. Actor A has to have appeared in a movie with Actor C, Actor B, and Tom Cruise. Actor B has to have been in a movie with Actor A, Actor D, and Liam Neeson. Actor C has to have been in a movie with Actor A, Actor D, and Nicole Kidman. Actor D has to have been in a movie with Actor C, Actor B, and Liam Neeson. This is indicated by the lines.

We have found the most ingenious proof, but haven't room for it here. Godspeed.

posted by SC  # 9:28 PM
I am no closer to a solution, but I believe I have taken a step in the proper direction by keeping foremost in my calculations that Rip Torn was in Men In Black while it was Jeffrey Tambor who appeared in a similar role in Hellboy. Well, back to work!

Also, I watched Gattaca again last night. Uma Thurman is pretty!

Please return to clinomania criticism.
indeed. while bonesy and jack twiddle dicks on vali's views like homos in the elmer room crawlspace, clinomania has gone unchecked, rampaging about the internet like a cancerous AIDS tumor ready to infest its readers with it's three STDs of verbiage, narrow-mindedness, and lack of hooking up with any chicks lately. damn it, philosophize, man!

towns - please don't make references ("elmer room crawlspace") that some of the thousands of somenotions readers might not grasp. we have many readers who are merely lampoon junkies.
Dear Townsie,

Hello! How have you been? Well, I hope. Anyway, narrow-minded? I'll narrow-mind you, you goddamn godawful rotten fucker! I'll stick my dick in your ear, you no-count shiftless pothead!

Anyways, have fun in L.A., you sick jerkass.

With affection,
good to hear from you, old bean. unfortunately, i was not able to dip into the balance of your last post. lately, i have been suffering from severe migraines while reading your blog/posts/screeds owing to their acute narrow-mindedness. i wonder if other readers don't know of a handy herbal remedy? but please, no one suggest dick-in-ear. many a doctor have prescribed it to me, but none can recommend a knowledgeable practitioner of the art.
Townsie -

I am very sorry to hear about your condition. If it does come down to aural penetration, then I would point out that I graduated at the top of my class in earfucking at Johns Hopkins, and also that I am Russian. I would also like to address another point you mentioned, that I am narrow-minded. YOU COCKFUCKING SON A BITCH MOTHERFUCKER! YOU WOULDN'T KNOW NARROW-MINDED IF CRAMMED ITS SKINNY LITTLE SKULL UP YOUR PUSTULE LINED ASSHOLE, COCK FUCK ASS COCK FUCK!

PS: I meant to say "...IF IT CRAMMED..." Forgive the waste I made in haste.
Townsie & Bonesie (Smoke Dog & Smoke Dog),

Your new nicknames are "Smoketown" and "Smokebone."
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