Sweet heavens, what is it with Clinomania and pinworms? The damned robots must have decided Jack's loyal readers have pinworms coming out their arse! Or cunny, in the case of the ladies.
A flurry of posts from Jack today. Apparently, last night involved some uterine issue spilling all over the place before Jack's very eyes. As if the fellow wasn't interested enough in lady-issue before!
More detailed coverage to follow - we at our office were busy in an independent research project. Just the sort of bullshit "bloggers" might be interested in, we're ashamed to admit: we were trying to determine whether or not Stephanie Herseth (D-South Dakota) is the cutest Congresswoman. We did this by painstakingly going through the member pages of every woman in Congress. A lot of chunkers and olds.
Turns out, Herseth has it won, and by a damned sight! Although Jennifer Dunn (R-WA) was probably quite a knock-out circa 1947.