Divers readers have complained about laxity of postings here of late. Regrettable; we have recently moved offices, and as a result have been slower on the keep-up than one might like.
Jack, for his part, has been a busy beaver indeed. "Behind Every Little Fish" is a dandy post, in our opinion. Some naysayers pointed out that it plays to the worst of Jack's shortcomings - one idea beaten to absolute death. But we've always been partial to this aspect of Jack's prose, and feel he has a good horse upon which to beat here. This post also illustrates what seems to be a growing theme in the 'blog: Jack's outrage at Society's recurring failure to live up to his high standards of punning and word-play. Much like a child who knows a fellow who has the USS Flagg but fails to be constantly putting his GI Joe's on it, Jack can't stand Hollywood which fails to use its amazing toys.
We were surprised Jack was able to get beyond the simple, dumb fact that Katie Couric is a voice in a movie.
"I'm Sneezy" was a fine post in the category of personal rant. Remember in the '90s when every dicknose with an MFA was writing a memoir about their crappy childhood in Indiana or whatever and how their Dad smoked pot and their mom had attachment issues so boo-hoo? And it was all emotional and earthy? It would be divine if Jack spawned a new decade of memoir, which was just people sarcastically bitching about nuisances and making snarky comments about the people who crossed their path. That would certainly be as "true" as writing about how you came to terms with your uncle who used to pop wildcats with a .22 and you thought that was great when you were in writing class at Auburn.
More to come.