
Some Notions

The premier journal of http://clinomania.blogspot.com criticism.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Readers, apologies are tendered for our recent failure to post with any regularity. This is due to several reasons: our difficulties in remembering our Blogger password, sloth, and frequent travels on matters of business - namely flying to and from the desert to stand around with a with a modestly famous person, a guy in a bear suit, and an airplane. Would that we were exaggerating. One day we found ourselves driving for 45 minutes to the desert with said famous person, then standing around as we filmed this character yelling at a cactus. We were assigned the task of protecting our modestly famous associate from the snakes of which he is terrified. Don't think, however, that this time has been wasted! For we got off a good jape by throwing a small pebble at our associate's feet and alarming him with thoughts of copperheads!

But back to our main mission - keeping alive the flame of Clinomania criticisim.

Two quick thoughts - the Old Bastard was rather hard on himself in re: his work for the world's o. c. p. humour magazine. Most of the editorial board here has stapled to their cubicle a cartoon of his devising which ends in a picture of the stork of mythology inhabiting "a land of great pain and misery."

Further: Jack's boyish charm seems to have been displaced of late, and replaced by a bitter and wrathful attitude. One hopes either a) a fitting fate befalls his employer, or b) he is cheered somewhat by having his apartment to himself for a week, allowing him to indulge in the grossest and thoroughist jerking off.
posted by SC  # 9:24 PM
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