Dear SC,
As a regular reader of "Some Notions," I would first of all like to tip
hat to you. Second, to respond to your concerns about the periodic
of Advanced Sigma Series to include links, you can find more Chem 10
information, and a lot of pretty amazing shit besides, at I particularly recommend reading the
entirety of
the "Time Warp" series, and in the "Other Writings" section, "Liquid
is a standout. I hope you can understand and forgivev an editor's
to omit salient links occasionally; I feel it helps preserve the magic,
as some nerdy marketing wonk might in a shitty overpriced midtown
professionals bar.
Whatchoo talking 'bout, Everyone,
Boat Symphony.
Some correspondence arrived from a concerned reader. As you know, I welcome suggestions and queries. Fair enough point on the links, but I raise this counterargument: everyone I know is in grave need of more web content to read. The more links supplied, the more hours safely whiled away without being forced to meaningfully engage the world at large. But we can agree to disagree on this point.
An interesting and trenchant post by Junior Harrington reminds me of a joke I saw once on the Brett Butler sitcom, Grace Under Fire. Grace receives a gift from her mother - it's a piece of the wreckage of Patsy Cline's airplane. Grace: "Oh, how great - it says 'I Fall To Pieces.'"
A reliable source tells me that Jack & Boat were busy drinking with some sorority girls from Tulane, and that they started singing their sorority songs, so God knows when the fellows at Clinomania will again be feeling up to posting. One hopes soon!